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Sunday Sermons

Liberated by Love (Part 25) - Stephen

Liberated by Love (Part 25) - Stephen

David Armstrong speaks from Acts 6 & 7 on the example of Stephen who prayed for the forgiveness of the people who were stoning him to death. This radical love ethic is not easy but it is the way of Jesus flowing from a God who is love.

Liberated by Love (Part 24) - Called & Empowered

Liberated by Love (Part 24) - Called & Empowered

David Armstrong speaks from Acts 5 & 6 on the challenges emerging for this new community of Jesus and how, empowered by the Holy Spirit, they each responded to the call of Jesus.

Liberated by Love (Part 23) - Foundation & Formation

Liberated by Love (Part 23) - Foundation & Formation

David Armstrong speaks from Acts 2 starting with Peter’s remarkable spirit-led sermon on the Day of Pentecost that led to the birth of the church. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’.

Liberated by Love (Part 22) - Peter & Cornelius

Liberated by Love (Part 22) - Peter & Cornelius

John Herron speaks from Acts 10 and Peter’s remarkable encounter on a rooftop with the Holy Spirit that reveals to him the radical inclusion and border transcending nature of the Gospel leading to the addition of Gentile believers to the church.

Liberated by Love (Part 21) - Women in the Early Church

Liberated by Love (Part 21) - Women in the Early Church

Stephanie Wilson speaks on the role women played in the establishing of the early church and how the Holy Spirit liberated and empowered women to pioneer, to lead and to bring the Kingdom of God in a world dominated by men.

Liberated by Love (Part 20) - Trinity Sunday

Liberated by Love (Part 20) - Trinity Sunday

David Armstrong speaks on Trinity Sunday and the remarkable invitation we have to experience and participate in the loving communion of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’.

Liberated by Love (Part 19) - Pentecost

Liberated by Love (Part 19) - Pentecost

David Armstrong speaks on the events of Pentecost and the remarkable encounter between the disciples and the the Spirit of God come to do a new thing. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’.

Liberated by Love (Part 17) - Thomas

Liberated by Love (Part 17) - Thomas

Stephanie Wilson speaks on the encounter between the disciple Thomas and the resurrected Jesus. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’.

Liberated by Love (Part 16) - Peter

Liberated by Love (Part 16) - Peter

David Armstrong speaks on the encounter between Simon Peter and Jesus found in John 21 where we discover disappointment is never the final word when grace is present. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’.

Liberated by Love (Part 15) - Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch

Liberated by Love (Part 15) - Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch

John Herron shows how the small and, at first, seemingly insignificant story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch from Acts 8 demonstrates just how vast and inclusive the Kingdom of God is. Part of our series ‘Liberated by Love’

Liberated by Love (Part 14) - The Emmaus Road

Liberated by Love (Part 14) - The Emmaus Road

With a message on Easter Sunday Stephanie Wilson looks at the story of the two disciples travelling away from Jerusalem on the road to Emmaus who are joined on the journey by a stranger who helps them process all that has happened in the week that has been.

Liberated by Love (Part 12) - The Master's Banquet

Liberated by Love (Part 12) - The Master's Banquet

Stephanie Wilson continues our series ‘Liberated by Love’ looking at the parable Jesus tells in Luke 14:12-24 of the great banquet feast which gives his disciples (and us) yet another surprising look again at the unique kind of Kingdom he is establishing.

Liberated by Love (Part 11) - Jesus & Zacchaeus

Liberated by Love (Part 11) - Jesus & Zacchaeus

David Armstrong continues our series ‘Liberated by Love looking at the encounter between Jesus & Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) that gives his followers yet another look at the kind of radical Kingdom Jesus is bringing about.

Liberated by Love (Part 10) - The Rich Young Ruler

Liberated by Love (Part 10) - The Rich Young Ruler

Stephanie Wilson continues our series ‘Liberated by Love looking at the encounter in between Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler (Luke 18:18-30) and the call to trust in the abundance of God over the fear of scarcity.