Spiritual Formation In The Way of Jesus
Spiritual Formation In The Way of Jesus
““Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace””
A one-to-one discipleship journey to help two people walk together with Jesus and live his ways.
Learning Groups
Focused discussion groups exploring faith, encouraging curiosity & engaging our questions.
Vocational Calling
Helping people grow spiritually in their faith & sustain their work in the world.
Mentoring is a one-to-one discipleship journey to help two people walk together with Jesus and live his ways. Using a resource called Safar you will walk together through 30 steps – each designed to help you grow in relationship, go deeper in the word of God and prayer, and to put into practice what you’ve learned.
Format: One-on-One setting your own pace/rhythm.
Group Size: 2 people
Mentoring opportunities for 2023-24 are closed. If you would like to know more about mentoring in future speak to Scott Witherick (
Learning Groups
Exploring faith, Encouraging curiosity, Engaging our questions.
Learning Groups
Exploring faith, Encouraging curiosity, Engaging our questions.
Read below to find out more about the groups currently running.
Evolving Faith
What happens when the beliefs you once held dear don’t seem to work any more or you feel you’re losing the certainty you once knew?
The Evolving Faith group is for those who have found their faith being challenged — either by their lived experience, by skepticism or by the seeming irrelevance of it in a modern, secular world — and yet still have a desire to hold onto it. This group will explore this through a mix of sharing & discussion in a safe space with some input along the way.
When: Starts Tue 13 Feb 2024
Format: 6 sessions, 1 per week
Group Size: 6-12 people
Facilitated by: David Armstrong
Registration Closed
What is the purpose of prayer? How can we have a deeper experience of prayer? What prayer practices can help us pray well?
The Prayer learning group is for those looking to learn how to pray well and go deeper in prayer. The group will spend some time thinking about and sharing our experiences of prayer, learn about different aspects of liturgical, contemplative & intercessory prayer and explore the prayer practices that help shape a sustainable daily prayer rhythm.
When: Starts Tue 13 Feb 2024
Format: 6 sessions, 1 per week
Group Size: 6-12 people
Facilitated by: Ian Ryans
Registration Closed
Sexuality & Inclusion
What does the bible and faith have to say about our sexuality? How should the church approach unity, diversity and the inclusion of all brothers and sisters?
The Sexuality & Inclusion learning group is for those seeking to understand more about human sexual diversity and the vision of a more inclusive church that is rooted in the ancient, radical gospel of Jesus.
When: Starts Thu 25th Apr 2024 for 6 weeks
Format: 6 sessions, 1 per week
Facilitated by: David Armstrong & John Herron
Registration Open
Relationships Course
The Relationship course is for those dating, engaged, or married who want to explore healthy relationships in the way of Jesus. Over dinner each couple will explore topics such as family of origin, looking back so you can look forward, communication, conflict, emotional availability and spirituality within a healthy relationship.
During the course the team will offer input from a fantastic range of resources as well as sharing their own lived experience.
When: Not currently running
Format: 4 sessions, 1 per week
Group Size: 4-12
Facilitated by: Stephanie Wilson
The Big Questions
The Big Questions learning group is a 5-week teaching & discussion group key theological questions: Is God a God of love? If God is a God of love, then what about the wrath of God, how do we make sense of Old Testament violence, the violence of the cross, Hell and the End Times in the Book of Revelation?
This group will explore this through a mix of sharing & discussion in a safe space with some input along the way.
When: Not currently running
Format: 5 sessions, 1 per week
Group Size: 6-12 people
Facilitated by: David Armstrong
Understanding Scripture
Where do we begin when it comes to reading and understanding the bible? Is there one correct right way to read it?
The Understanding Scripture group is for those seeking to open themselves up to the ancient, sacred text of the Church and all it’s perennial wisdom, respecting aspects such as context and genre and learning how we might apply its truth to our lives today. The group will explore this through a mix of teaching & discussion.
When: Not currently running
Format: 6 sessions, 1 per week
Group Size: 6-12 people
Facilitated by: David Armstrong
Vocational Calling
Vocational Calling
At Redeemer we are committed to helping people grow spiritually in their faith and sustain their work in the world. This includes the active participation within church life but also extends to discerning a potential vocational calling. Whether you feel called to leadership in the church, your place of employment, church planting, business, the creative arts, your family or your local neighbourhood our desire is to help you discern what God has called you to and support you as you step forward in that.